Native Plants at the Creamery
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Dwarf Alberta Spruce
Picea glauca- Native to North America
Location in Garden: Food Truck Court, Wine Barn.
The needles are edible and most commonly used to make a hot tea. The tea has a surprisingly good flavor, it is bitter, resinous, and slightly sweet but most people end up adding additional sweetener. Don’t boil but steep the tea to retain it’s nutritional value. Spruce also has edible inner bark, as unpleasant as this sounds a number of Native American tribes ate this inner bark throughout the winter to prevent starvation. In fact all parts of the tree are non-toxic.
Monarda didyma
Native to Eastern North America, Edible
Location in Garden: Birch Grove
Betula Paperifera
Paper Birch, Native to the Northern part of North America
Location in Garden: Birch Grove, Parking Lot
The inner bark of birches is edible, making it an important survival food. ... You can also cut the bark into strips and boil like noodles to add to soups and stews or simply eat it raw. In spring you can drink the tree's sap directly from the tree, or boil it down into a slightly sweet syrup.
Magnolia grandiflora
Native to Southern US edible
https://www.eatweeds.co.uk/magnolia-syrup-recipe Magnolia Syrup Recipe....
Flowers are edible
Location in Garden: Breezeway
Cornus serisea
Red Twig Dogwood, Native to Most of North America, poisonous
Location in Garden: Parking Lot, Birch Grove
Physocarpus opulifolius
Ninebark- Native to Central and Eastern US,
Location in Garden: Food Truck Court
Hydrangea arborescens “Annabelle”
Native to Southern North America
The peeled branches and twigs have been used to make a tea[257]. The new growth of young twigs has been peeled, boiled thoroughly then fried and eaten[257].
But really not edible.....
Location in Garden: Breezeway/West Entrance
Achillea millefolium
Yarrow, Edible
Leaves can be consumed raw or cooked. They have a somewhat bitter flavor yet they make a great addition to mixed salads. They are best used when young. Common yarrow leaves are also used as a hop-substitute for flavouring and as a preservative for beer.
Location in Garden: Birch Grove, Wine Barn/Upper Slab troughs
Eutrochium purpureum
Joe Pye Weed- Native to the Eastern and Central N America, edible but close relatives are poisonous....
Location in Garden: Birch Grove
Amsonia tabernaemontana
Blue Star – Native to North America
Location in Garden: Birch Grove
Rudbeckia fulgida
Native to the Central and Eastern US
The Ojibwa used it as a poultice for snake bites and to make an infusion for treating colds and worms in children. The plant is diuretic and was used by the Menominee and Potawatomi. Juice from the roots had been used as drops for earaches. The spring greens can be cooked and eaten.
Location in Garden: Birch Grove, Food Truck Court
Magnolia virginiana
Sweet Bay Magnolia- Native to Eastern US
Location in Garden: Birch Grove (hidden in corner)
Echinacea Purpurea
Native to the Central and Eastern US, edible
Location in Garden: Birch Grove, Food Truck Court, Parking Lot
Amsonia hubrichtii
Blue Star- Native to Arkansas and Oklahoma
Location in Garden: Birch Grove, Parking Lot